at Quant
At Quant, we do not tolerate wrongdoing by employees at any level. There is zero tolerance relating to non-compliance.
If an employee, a customer representative or any other person involved in our business has a serious concern about suspected misconduct, the matter can be reported through our whistleblowing system without fear of reprisals.
The purpose of this procedure is to enable Quant to investigate and deal properly and sensitively with allegations of wrongdoing raised in good faith.

Please help us detect
suspected misconduct
Our whistleblowing system is open for anyone to report suspected serious misconduct within our company. This could be an incident that violates our company policies, ethical standards, or law.
We encourage anyone that might have serious concerns about suspected misconduct within Quant to report the matter through our whistleblowing system. Please remember that you can always be anonymous and you do not risk any reprisals.
Frequently asked questions about whistleblowing

Who can submit a report?
Any employee of Quant, which include consultants, trainees or anyone with a work-based relationship to Quant, can submit a report. This also applies to persons working under the direction of contractors, subcontractors and suppliers of Quant.

What can I report?
You can report serious misconduct that can cause serious harm to Quant. This could be improper safety practices, discrimination, harassment, violations of our code of conduct, accounting irregularities, auditing matters, bribery and similar suspicions, privacy and personal data misconduct to mention a few examples. You can also report serious misconduct that would be in the public interest if disclosed.

How do I submit a report?
You may (i) use the form below, (ii) call the number below to leave a message or (iii) request a meeting with the General Counsel, using the e-mail address below.

What happens to the submitted report?
Following your report, Quant will confirm receipt within seven days and thereafter evaluate the content. Quant may ask you to provide further details in order to carry out the necessary investigation. Quant will provide a brief report of the outcome of the investigation, to the extent possible, within three months from the date we confirm receipt of your report.

Can I submit an anonymous report?
Yes, you can. Just note that our ability to investigate your report may be limited in case we cannot follow up with further questions. Also note that we will not be able to provide any feedback regarding the outcome of your report.

How can I be sure that I do not risk any reprisals?
If you reasonably believe that the nature of your concern relates to any of the areas which can be reported in the whistleblowing system and you disclose this information via the reporting channels in good faith, in no event will any action be taken against you for making the disclosure. If an employee is found to be victimizing another employee for using the whistleblowing system or deterring any employee from reporting genuine concerns, he or she may be subject to disciplinary action which may result in dismissal. Furthermore, such acts may result in criminal investigations in your country.

What happens if misconduct is confirmed?
If misconduct is confirmed, the General Counsel will recommend to the relevant Manager whatever action he/she considers appropriate. It may be necessary to refer a matter to an external party, which may result in an extension of the investigative process. The seriousness and complexity of a report will also have an impact on the time needed to investigate the matter. Appropriate actions may include warnings and dismissals and even, if there is serious suspicion, criminal investigations.

Who can be reported?
You can generally report persons in key- and leading positions if it concerns misconduct. This includes the members of the board, the executive management team, individuals responsible for major purchases and other key business functions. But any person that acts in a way that can cause serious harm to Quant or contributes to serious misconduct that would be in the public interest if disclosed, could be reported.
In addition to using the form on this page, you may also submit your report:
• In person, by scheduling a meeting. This meeting may also take place via Teams or another digital conference solution.
• By calling +46 10 456 64 20 and leaving a message after the tone. By leaving a message you consent to your message being recorded and stored for as long as it is necessary to investigate your report but not longer than what can be considered justifiable in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.
Describe your situation
Please describe the situation with as detailed an account as possible, to make the matter easier to investigate.