Quant Reliability Services

A cost-effective approach
Quant Reliability Services has the people, experience and a database of preventative maintenance (PM) procedures to develop the program that is right for your equipment.
QRS is a cost-effective approach to development and implementation of a PM program for companies where maintenance resources are limited.
Our solution
Our process to develop and track your preventative maintenance program follow three simple steps:
Quant does a plant walk-through to identify all equipment that needs to be part of the PM program.
Quant’s experts develop PMs for each piece of equipment.
Each week, Quant provides the specific PMs which are due to be performed. The Customer’s maintenance staff perform the PMs, make notes regarding their observations, condition of equipment, any corrective/reactive maintenance that was required etc, and send back to Quant. Quant inputs info into master database.

Customer benefits
With Quant Reliability Services as part of the offer, our customers can enjoy the following benefits:
Standardized reliability processes
Based on our expertise and experience we set up the service and adapt it for the information need of the customer.
Ease of access
We use a common platform, quantWorx, to communicate and implement maintenance procedures. Get access to your PMs, analyse reports, view dash boards, KPIs etc through a digital tool and modern interface.

Curious about what
we can do for you?
With our wide network and solid experience, we can support customers in a wide range of industries and locations.