March 15, 2022
Reaching five years without Lost Time Incidents

Quant’s maintenance team in Louisville, Kentucky, have reached five years without Lost Time Incidents (LTI). Site manager Adam Finlay points out the strong safety culture, people empowerment and a great team spirit as the keys to success.
The contract in Louisville, Kentucky started in 2017. Recently, the Quant maintenance team consisting of 25 employees celebrated five years without Lost Time Incidents (LTI)! According to site manager Adam Finlay, this achievement comes from constant education and commitment to safety.
– Since day one of this contract, we have always preached safety, walked safety, and talked safety. We stay completely up to date with all of our trainings, and it is basically about having a constant, ongoing discussion about safety, he says.
People empowerment one of the keys to success
An important part of the daily work is risk assessments, carried out before each maintenance task. Another is the continuous safety discussions, held in every meeting on site.
– We always talk about safety, whether it is in internal meetings or in meetings with our customer or a supplier. Every meeting starts with safety, as you need to always have it on the agenda to maintain safety as a top priotity, Adam says.
Another key to the success is the strong safety culture on site, coming from empowering the employees. Adam points out the importance of having a group where each individual dares to stop the work if noticing a potential risk.
– You have to give the employees empowerment, to let them know that if they see something unsafe, they can and should bring it up. Everybody has the power to do so, and whatever it is, it will be corrected. Everybody knows that, and I think that helps a lot, he says.
Safety is a team effort
While each individual plays an important part in building and maintaining a strong safety culture, Adam highlights the team aspect of it as well.
– It is all about having the team believe in safety. Because if everybody does not work as a team with safety, then you have a weak link. But of course everybody here on our site wants to go home safe and wants to keep themselves and their colleagues safe, he says.
Being a relatively small group working closely together has also contributed to building a strong team spirit.
– This is a team effort. Nothing gets achieved without everybody on board. And I am blessed to have this group as my team members, being able to achieve these goals together. I am so blessed and could not be happier with the group that I have.