
mayo 23, 2022

«Take a moment to ensure safety»

Every year, we arrange “Quant Awards”. This is a global event within Quant, where all employees from all countries have the opportunity to nominate a colleague that they feel deserves to be awarded for their work in any of the categories safety, customer service, collegial support or innovation.

Keijo Setälä, Quant Award 2021 winner in the safety category, wants to remind all co-workers to take a moment to ensure safety. He received the award for his courageous and proactive behaviour. Keijo has brought safety deviations up for discussion and strongly contributed to safety development at our site in Finland.

Safety has become more and more important to him over the years. Keijo explains why he wants to be part for improving safety, and why the topic is important to him;

– Safety thinking comes quite naturally for me, I don’t particularly need to focus on thinking about it. Also, age probably makes you consider more things before you get to work, you don’t always have to just rush forward. Doing risk assessments is a quick and easy way to ensure that work is undertaken prudently and safely.

«I want to be part of making safety improvements«

At this site, Quant started as a maintenance partner for our customer in 2017. Before, the customer had challenges with the safety culture at site and during the years, a few very serious accidents have happened among customer’s employees. Since the cooperation started with Quant, safety has taken a strong place in operations, and driven the development forward at site.

– During my career, three very serious accidents have occurred among customer’s employees. I am sure that those situations have also helped us to understand the importance of safety. It is a very important part of our work, and it doesn’t take long to make for example risk assessments before starting the next work task. I want to be part of making improvements in safety, to ensure that my co-workers and I are safe. 

Region Finland & Baltic’s HR team visited the site in the beginning of May and handed over the award to Keijo. The Finland & Baltics regional team wants to congratulate the winner of the award and thank him for his great safety work at site!

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